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Windows on Easter

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we're finding creative and innovative solutions to keep our programs active, while maintaining social distancing. We always believe in the importance of the safety of each other, but need to stay connected as a community. How can we do that? Here is your resource portal for Lent and Easter 2021. Scroll down or use the menu on the left to navigate to these various resources.

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Worship Series

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LENT 2021

Windows on Easter


Worship Series
Image by Steve Halama

Music Resources

Don't know where to start with music resources? Check out these vetted playlists for Contemporary and Gospel options for this year's Lent services and the links below for more options!

  • Check out the NEW MUSIC below written for this Lenten season. Also, find these videos available for download in the Video Resources section below.  Want the sheet music for these new songs? Click the link under each video for Lead Sheets (LS) and Chord Charts (CC). 

Music Resources
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Additional Drama Resources

Already included in the "Windows on Easter" worship series are drama resources. However, here are a few other favorites that can be used for Easter.


Favorite Easter Scripts:

  1. “A World Without Jesus” by John Cosper

    • A reader's theater script that wonders what the world would be like if Jesus never came. Would it really be as different as we would like to think?

  2. ​“I Give Up” by Joe Caddy

    • This is a short reader's theater-type script that explores the purpose behind the practice of “giving up” something for Lent.

  3. "I am Alive"

    • Jesus’ death brought pardon for our sins but we often overlook that His resurrection brought us power and new life. “If you know that I’m alive, why do you keep treating me like I’m not?”

  4. “Jesus and Me” by Della Grace Stevens

    • The script reinforces the point that Jesus longs to be a constant, revolutionary presence in our lives. Often used as a camp skit, the Bill Booth Theater Company has often performed this piece as a structured improv paired with a devotional song.

Drama Resources
Video Resources
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Video Resources

More Music, Dramas, and Sermons will be added each week. Click the Worship Service Video Resource link to add them to your worship service or check out the previews below! 

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World Missions Moments

Looking for World Missions Moments and Self-denial components for each week during lent? Click the link below.

World Missions
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Spiritual Life Development

Join the Spiritual Life Development Department over the next 40 days for a

"Daily Lenten Reflection." 

Spiritual Life
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